Comments on: Perspectives on supporting young people in low-income areas to access and engage with computing Teach, learn and make with Raspberry Pi Tue, 07 Mar 2023 09:30:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janina Ander Thu, 27 Jan 2022 09:54:24 +0000 In reply to Frank Pool.

That’s wonderful, we wish you and the young people all the best with this project.

By: Frank Pool Wed, 26 Jan 2022 02:08:12 +0000 I have started a project in a low-income community in Mexico. I bought 5 Raspberry Pi400 and I am going to give them to 5 households with youth studying in Middle School or High School to develop their computing skills, My plan is to do it for six months, monitor their progress and see if using the Raspberry Pi400 improve their learning, as well as their computer skills. This is a self-funded project, some friend have offered their support. I am giving the first RPi400 kit this weekend.

By: Janina Ander Wed, 27 Oct 2021 13:04:29 +0000 In reply to Dominique Laloux.

We LOVE the work you do, Dominique! Your dedication inspires us, and it’s amazing seeing Raspberry Pi computers being used like this ❤️

If others want to see some of what Dominique’s team has achieved over the years, check out these blog posts:

By: Dominique Laloux Tue, 26 Oct 2021 15:57:13 +0000 The Raspberry Pi can be a key element of “low cost, low consumption, low maintenance” Computer Labs in regions of the world where resources are scarce.
My small team and I have done it in Togo since 2014; we currently have 5 Computer Labs running in rural schools where you would never expect to find such infrastructures. We are currently planning a 6th lab, which should be fully operational by mid-2022. Our goal is to install one new lab (at least) each year, in another school.
All versions of the Raspberry Pi were usable in replacement of desktop computers in schools (our first lab was initially equipped with RPI 1 in 2014). Today, the Raspberry Pi 4 has really become the 100$ (or 100€) computer that could make a difference for millions of young students.
We are now trying to convince local Authorities to consider it as a very affordable and reliable solution to increase considerably the number of workstations in low-income regions. I wonder WHEN a country will make the decision to equip a very large number of schools with such infrastructures, making it an example that could be followed by others… It simply works !

By: Janina Ander Tue, 26 Oct 2021 08:25:48 +0000 In reply to Stuart Andrew Jones.

That’s amazing, Stuart! Let us know how you get on 🙌

By: Stuart Andrew Jones Wed, 20 Oct 2021 15:55:44 +0000 I have volunteered to teach computing to adults and children living in the low to middle income apartment complex where I live. The apartment owners have even constructed a dedicated classroom for this purpose. However, the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has prevented this effort from moving forward. I plan to make full use of the materials and resources provided by the organizations described above as soon as the public health crisis recedes. I have also accumulated a number of laptops and raspberry pi 3b and 3b+ computers to support these efforts. I intend to create a CoderDojo here in North Houston, also.
