Year 9 – Developing physical computing projects

Curriculum KS3 Unit


This unit applies and enhances the learners’ programming skills in a new engaging context: physical computing, using the BBC micro:bit.

In the first half of the unit, learners will get acquainted with the host of components built into the micro:bit, and write simple programs that use these components to interact with the physical world. In the process, they will refresh their Python programming skills and encounter a range of programming patterns that arise frequently in physical computing applications.

In the second half, learners will work in pairs to build a physical computing project. They will be required to select and design their project purposefully, apply what they have learnt by building a prototype, and keep a structured diary throughout the process.

The Year 8 and 9 programming units are prerequisites for this unit. It is assumed that learners are already able to write Python programs that use variables and data structures to keep track of information. They are also expected to be able to combine sequence, selection, iteration, and function/method calls to control the flow of program execution.

Unit guide

Updated: 10 Feb 2023

Learning graph

Updated: 10 Feb 2023


Updated: 10 Feb 2023

Summative assessment

Updated: 10 Feb 2023

Summative answer

Updated: 10 Feb 2023


Lesson 1

Hello physical world

Lesson 2

Bare bones

Lesson 3


Lesson 4

Dream it up

Lesson 5

Build it up

Lesson 6

Wrap it up